Monday, September 7, 2009


Since birth, you’re already in our side, as we are going to our path, you weren’t able to leave us. This is maybe the reason why, we are loving and valuing you!
Because of you, Filipinos are now having a cooperation, understanding, and unity. So, meaning, if your not here, I don’t know how.
Although foreigners cannot understand you, at least, you are showing to us your real importance, most especially for us, the Filipinos. You serve as an avenue for us, to show our very own nationality and you’re also proving that you are really the model of our country.
History tells that there are many conquerors who tried to conquer here in our country. They tried to loose you for their own sake, and tried to spread out their authority. But fortunately, you’re still the best! You won! And I know that it also because of the help of our great heroes, about their sacrifices and best just to save you. So our heartfelt felicitations to them!
So, to show our love to you, we celebrated you’re month within our hearts. In this way, we can show that you’re the only one! You’re the only one here in our hearts and mind! Because you, our beloved national languge, FILIPINO,is still the best for our country!

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